Sunday, December 25, 2016

In the Depths of My Soul

Being that today is Christmas, I felt it very necessary to discuss my deep, inner being. I recently wrote a post about Christian fragility and what I find the most perplexing aspect of it is, if you say you're not a Christian, many people automatically assume that means you are an Atheist.

For me, it simply isn't true. I find Atheism just as much a religion as Christianity. It requires a stern principle of faith, it's just coded differently. For Atheists, they say there is no God. They state it just as factually as a Christian says there is. Often, Atheists revert to Scientific evidence of things in our existence, similarly to how Christians revert to Scripture.

I've always been fascinated by the mindset that religion and science must be on the either/or spectrum. Why can't they both exist?

So, I feel like connecting the world with my spiritual belief systems! I don't classify myself as a person of any religion and I actually believe religion is a dangerous system. However, I am very much spiritual and a believer in Divinity.

I believe the soul is that mysterious little thing in our minds known as consciousness. I am certainly not the only one who holds this theory. Inside our brains, we are able to see, think, hear, feel...memories are formed. Emotions seep through all over our bodies. It is our consciousness that makes us alive and aware of our surroundings. Without it, we would simply cease to exist.

I believe consciousness is the soul. It is the fabric of what brings us from being in the spiritual world to being in the living world. I believe that consciousness is a compilation of energy, which can neither be created nor destroyed.

When we die our physical deaths, I believe the consciousness transfers from the physical body and moves toward its next destination. In some cases, that would be reincarnation into another life.

I truly believe we are expected to learn and fulfill a certain number of experiences within life. I, of course, do not have all of the specifics "figured out" but if I had to take a guess at it, I would say our human experience is designed to achieve:

  • Unquestionable compassion
  • Altruism 
  • Joy and Fulfillment
  • Love
Love being the ultimate force, of course. 

I believe when our conscious mind experiences deja vu, it is the experience of our past lives re-integrated into our present life. This is because, although our body is different, our consciousness is the same. The experience of deja vu is very surreal and believable, so it makes sense that it is truly something you have experienced before. 

Perhaps our dreams are the consciousness desire of what it wishes to achieve in the waking hours. Or the dreams explain the fears and uncertainties the consciousness has about this worldly experience. 

But ultimately, I believe God is the energy force known as Love. That powerful emotion that invokes people to do countless amazing things, change the world, start a family, whatever it may be. Through Love, we experience joy and fulfillment, altruism and unquestionable compassion. Love is so strong that it makes a human weak. Love is the only force on this planet that can truly ignite change. It is the only thing that can truly stop horror and pain. It doesn't have to be Love for another person or thing, it can simply be self-love achieved at the maximum.

Ultimately, I believe that when your consciousness has finally unlocked every achievement on its quest, that is when we pass over to the divine world. Perhaps the stars that we see at night are the true encompassing spirits that have self-actualized beyond this world. Maybe our ancestors truly are watching over us as we exist and figure things in the world. 

Obviously, I don't know the real answers. But I know I believe this to be true in the depths of my soul. I believe we have a divine purpose but unlike religion, I believe that purpose is so divine and mysterious that our minds may never figure it out in the living experience. 

What are your thoughts?

Much love,
ArchAngel O:)


  1. Very similar thoughts. Religion is arrogant, close-minded, hypocritical, and created by Man. It's responsible for more deaths than all the wars combined, and still rising. Sure there are people who live with love in their hearts for all mankind but they are that way because of their spirit, regardless of what religion they belong to. Fortunately the younger generation is rejecting religion. Hopefully religion will one day be seen just as negative as racism. Then and only then will mankind be spiritually free to love without boundries. That will bring us closer to whatever "god" is. It's certainly not any god of any religion. When I left religion, my spirituality increased. Now it has no bounds.

    1. Well said! Releasing our spirituality from the chains of religion!

  2. Very similar thoughts. Religion is arrogant, close-minded, hypocritical, and created by Man. It's responsible for more deaths than all the wars combined, and still rising. Sure there are people who live with love in their hearts for all mankind but they are that way because of their spirit, regardless of what religion they belong to. Fortunately the younger generation is rejecting religion. Hopefully religion will one day be seen just as negative as racism. Then and only then will mankind be spiritually free to love without boundries. That will bring us closer to whatever "god" is. It's certainly not any god of any religion. When I left religion, my spirituality increased. Now it has no bounds.
